1.5 weeks is not enough time to delve deep into public speaking. This is why the Public Speaker app was created. It was built specifically to give you a simple formula to compose and practice public speeches and presentations on any topic.
Available in languages: English, Polish.
Your speech structure is composed from ready-made elements. For your convenience the app contains a selection of over 30 elements from which you can choose the best ones to describe your message.
When time is of the essence, you can use built-in speech templates for informative, persuasive and motivational purposes.
Each part of your speech outline contains an editable title and short description to write in keywords and sentences to remember.
Some parts can have emotions selected that you want to convey to your audience.
By outlining your speech the application instantly shows you how many minutes are now used by your agenda. What's more, a part has its minimal time, a sensible default on how much time you should at least need so you do not need to manually enter all times for every element and focus on things that matter.
Public Speaker will help you not to put too many elements for the time of your speech.
04:02 / 10:25
These five buttons are recognizable to anyone who at least once in a lifetime experienced playing recorded music.
Here they are, too. Redefined.
This recording will be intimate. Will be yours. Will be a proof of your work to make a progress with your speech.
Your journey will start anew, when in the comfort of your own home you start practicing your speech.
Public Speaker will handle all the technicalities as you speak and present. It will suggest you when it's the time to go to the next point. It will suggest you to wrap up your speech when it's time to do so. It will record your performance. And help you focus on improving your performance.
After you finish recording, it's time to gain insight. In Public Speaker you'll mark times of your speech outline.
You'll be able to evaluate your own speech and mark moments in your speech that were exceptional and other moments that you could improve upon. All of these moments will be stored in Public Speaker to remind you in the future.
From each recording you'll get a personalized report on your performance.
Taking into account your performance, previous results and measured times, this report will give you suggestions on improving your speech.
Suggestions made by Public Speaker give an overview on your speech, whether it is advisable to change its structure and telling you how much are you prepared to perform in front of your audience.
Your preparations do not end on recording alone. Before you conquer the world with your speech, try to capture one heart. A heart that belongs to someone you won't be afraid of making a mistake in front of.
With Public Speaker you can just pass your smartphone to such a person and ask them to hear you out and tap a button whether they find a moment truly marvelous or a sentence to be improved in your speech. Together you can discuss these moments, jumping back in your recording when needed.
You can also evalutate a speech on your own.
Not all speeches happen before hundreds of people. Sometimes you need to persuade only a few people in a small room with a screen projector, where it's more important to focus on clarity of the content than on non-verbal language.
For such purposes Public Speaker can prepare a printable version of your speech outline. Such outline can be opened in a browser and printed on paper.
Depending on your needs, Public Speaker can be used for many purposes. It can be your tool of choice to practice public speaking. It can be a handy databases of your talks and lectures. It can be a storyteller's device. It can be used to make multiple variants of a speech directed for different audiences. It can be used as a tool for practicing auto-presentation skills with friends. The possibilies are endless. It depends on you which ones are you going to choose.
Public Speaker needs a little time to get used to. We are working on translating an interative user's manual that will smmoth this process.
We are working on translating additional resources related to Public Speaker. These will be ready soon.