A well performed speech
can change your life.

Privacy policy

Polish version.

All data that Public Speaker creates is stored on your phone. Other applications do not have access to this data.

Public Speaker stores the following on your phone: your speech compositions, your recordings and time signatures of speech elements entered in the evaluation process. You can remove them easily by uninstalling the app or removing a speech (in the main screen press the specific speech until a context menu is shown. Choose Delete speech).


Public Speaker was created by Makimo. If you want to contact us, use the following address.

Makimo Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łąkowa 7A/D215
PL90-562 Łódź

Project Coordinator: Michał Moroz
+48 508 713 738
Fundusze Europejskie Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; Rzeczpospolita Polska; Instytut Nowych Technologii; Unia Europejska - Europejski Fundusz Społeczny Fundusze Europejskie Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; Rzeczpospolita Polska; Instytut Nowych Technologii; Unia Europejska - Europejski Fundusz Społeczny

This application is a part of "Incubation of social innovations in the area of life-long learning of adults" co-funded by the European Union as a part of Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020.